Company: Margaret Forrester

Company name: Margaret Forrester
Dates in business: fl 1934-1955

Type of business: drapers

Type of company: Partnership

  • London Road, Glasgow, Scotland

Company history

Margaret Forrester, drapers, of London Road, Glasgow, was in existence from at least 1934. It was owned by TR Patterson, the honorary president of the Scottish Retail Drapers' Association. In 1955, a new company, Forresters (Outfitters) Ltd, was formed to carry on the business.

Records held for Margaret Forrester:

FRAS 205
Title: Private ledger
Date: 1934-1955
FRAS 213
Title: List of private ledger balances
Date: 1935-1937
FRAS 207
Title: Private journal
Date: 1934-1955
FRAS 206
Title: General ledger journal
Date: 1938-1955

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Forresters (Outfitters) Ltd
Dates of connection: 1955
Connection type: Forresters (Outfitters) Ltd carried on the business of Margaret Forrester.

Access points: Drapers - Retail trade

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