Company: Arthur & Co

Company name: Arthur & Co
Dates in business: 1855-1878

Type of business: textile manufacturer and wholesaler

Type of company: Partnership

  • Argyle Street, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Queen Street, Glasgow, Scotland

Management of company

In 1855, James Arthur was the senior partner and Hugh Fraser the managing partner. In 1860, William Arthur, James Arthur's elder brother, and William Ogilvie, formerly of Mitchell, Miller & Ogilvie, wholesale warehousemen, both became partners. In 1864, William Wingate, of Wingate & Co, also joined the partnership. In 1865, on the dissolution of the Arthur & Fraser partnership, Hugh Fraser retired from the Arthur & Co partnership.

Company history

Arthur & Co was established in 1855 to handle the expanding wholesale business of Arthur & Fraser, drapers, of Glasgow. It initially occupied premises at 118 Argyle Street, Glasgow. The business grew rapidly, establishing representation in London and Londonderry and conducting a large trade in England as well as the West of Scotland. In 1856, it moved to a larger warehouse in Queen Street, Glasgow. In 1864, Arthur & Co acquired the wholesale firm of Wingate & Co in Glasgow which provided an extensive warehouse as well as a large connection. At around the same time, it also acquired John R Kay of Cheapside, London, which traded for some time as Arthur, Kay and Evans before becoming a branch of Arthur & Co. In 1865, the Arthur & Fraser partnership was dissolved and Arthur & Co was continued as a separate concern. In 1878, a limited company, Arthur & Co Ltd, was formed to acquire the business.

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Arthur & Fraser, 1849-1865, of Glasgow, Scotland, drapers
Dates of connection: 1855-1865
Connection type: Arthur & Fraser created Arthur & Co in 1855 as a separate partnership to operate its wholesale business.
Name: Fraser, Hugh, 1815-1873, retailer
Dates of connection: 1855-1865
Connection type: Hugh Fraser was a founding partner of Arthur & Co.
Name: Arthur, James, 1819-1885, clothing retailer and manufacturer
Dates of connection: 1855-1885
Connection type: James Arthur was the senior partner of Arthur & Co.
Corporation name: Arthur & Co Ltd
Dates of connection: 1878
Connection type: Arthur & Co Ltd was incorporated in 1878 to carry on the business of Arthur & Co.

Access points: Textile manufacturers - Wholesale trade

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