Company: Binns (Grimsby) Ltd

Registration number: 164441

Company name: Binns (Grimsby) Ltd
Dates in business: 1970-1974

Type of business: Department store

Type of company: Limited liability company 1920

  • North Saint Mary's Gate, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, England
  • 17 Victoria Street, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, England

Company history

In 1969, Guy & Smith Ltd were taken over by House of Fraser Ltd department store retailers, Glasgow, Scotland, and in 1970 the name of the company was changed to Binns (Grimsby) Ltd. The store was extensively rebuilt and was reopened in 1971 with a 230 foot frontage in Victoria Street and a total shop floor area of 100,000 square feet. Some of the store's new features were passenger lifts, fluorescent lighting and a new restaurant.

Binns (Grimsby) Ltd was liquidated in 1974, the store, however, continues to trade as part of House of Fraser plc at 19/21 Victoria Street, Grimsby in 2003.

Records held for Binns (Grimsby) Ltd:

FRAS 1116
Title: Accounts
Date: 1879-1974
FRAS 1132
Title: Director&s report
Date: 1973
FRAS 1133
Title: Minutes
Date: 1969-1974
FRAS 1134
Title: Articles of association
Date: 1969-1970
FRAS 1117
Title: Press cuttings
Date: 1850-1979
FRAS 1128
Title: Photographs
Date: 1900-1971

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Guy & Smith
Dates of connection: 1850-1920
Connection type: In 1920, Guy & Smith was incorporated as a limited liability company trading as Guy & Smith Ltd. In 1969, Guy & Smith Ltd were taken over by House of Fraser Ltd department store retailers, Glasgow, Scotland, and in 1970 the name of the company was changed to Binns (Grimsby) Ltd.
Corporation name: Guy & Smith Ltd
Dates of connection: 1920-1970
Connection type: In 1969, Guy & Smith Ltd were taken over by House of Fraser Ltd department store retailers, Glasgow, Scotland, and in 1970 the name of the company was changed to Binns (Grimsby) Ltd .
Corporation name: House of Fraser Ltd
Dates of connection: 1969
Connection type: In 1969, Guy & Smith Ltd were taken over by House of Fraser Ltd, department store retailers, Glasgow, Scotland, and in 1970 the name of the company was changed to Binns (Grimsby) Ltd.
Corporation name: Binns Ltd
Dates of connection: 1970
Connection type: Other stores in the Binns division included Sunderland, Hull and Darlington. Binns Ltd became a subsidiary of House of Fraser Ltd in April 1953 and Guy & Smith was renamed Binns (Grimsby) Ltd in 1970.

Access points: Department stores - Retail trade - Drapers

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